The Transformation Adventure Continues...
I began this Journal blog to capture and help process #mytransformationadventure in hopes of helping you with yours. It’s hard to get started on such a journey but much easier to join in once begun. My own adventure has been about transitioning from grinding away in the world of work to writing books about that life…our life. I, of course, have been transforming on inside also. So now the question I ask is if this is still a transformation adventure I am journaling, or is it another adventure altogether?
Well, after much thought, I have determined that life transforms us on a daily basis—we have no say in that matter—and our actions transform us whether our choices are conscious, subconscious, or unconscious ;-). So, wherever we are in the world of work and wherever we want to go, or actually are going, it will surely result in a transformation adventure! The hashtag stays! Life is about #mytransformationadventure, from each of our perspectives. Let’s own it and use it, it is yours as well as mine!
What’s happening in my own transformation adventure these days? Well, even in the independent and untethered world of this author, organizational truth-teller, adventurer, there are the pulls of conformity to social media algorithms and marketing madness. You know, those “other worldly” influencers trying to tug you off-center, off-strategy, and into the abyss of pleasing others and focusing on wants versus needs. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? I surely did not start down the path of popularity. If I did, I would not have picked the purpose of speaking (writing) what I write…what few feel free (or safe) to “like”. An organizational truth-teller can never “go viral” but tills the soil and plants the seeds for your success to grow, not mine. It is your transformation adventure that is the purpose of mine. I’m not invested in where that journey leads or what you actually achieve, although I’m curious and care. My mission of mercy in my books and all other efforts is to help you recognize and embrace the adventure you are already on. I don’t want you to miss a minute of the joy and exhilaration that can be experienced when you find and revel your inner hero at work as you discover the secrets to the human side of change and step into you own power to lead it. In fact, this is what my new podcast is all about! My Podcast is coming this Fall.
You see, the transformation adventure is not about changing who you are, but how you feel about who you are (yikes!) so you can embrace THAT and wield your own assets more intentionally, not get unwittingly trapped your weaknesses. Definitely a ride worth taking!