Finding Your Fit
Just because I’ve done something before, doesn’t mean I’m meant to do it again. Just because you’re good at something, doesn’t mean it is what you should do. Being good at something means most often you are a faithful steward of your intelligence and abilities, and want to help others (trustfully). But do these efforts feed your soul? Do they fit you like a glove and bring you joy as you do them? I was searching for this. Oh, I’ve felt this before. Many of my career endeavors felt this way for varying lengths of time, until they didn’t. Sometimes I had a mission to achieve and then finished it. Other times I just grew out of where I was, as I amassed knowledge and experience to feed my curiosity and stretch my abilities. I had no place to put my new knowledge to good use. I definitely saw need for these untapped abilities, but no interest in leveraging them to deviate from the status quo. I’ve learned that I am far from alone in this frustrating experience. Yeah, very far from being alone in this.
So my epiphany, or literally, my take away (cuz I was moving on), was that there is a high correlation between finding your fit in an organization and having your perspective heard (aka valued). Sure, opportunities to stretch and grow within the organization are wonderful, but imagine what could be done and how it would feel if diverse perspectives were sought and heard? What happens when those who currently marginalize others in an organization fear being marginalized (or minimized) themselves? Uh-huh. And of this, I now write. Follow my protagonist on Twitter @ElephantHun1 and on Instagram @IamTheElephantHunter.
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